10 Fun Activities for a Quechua Birthday!

10 Fun Activities for a Quechua Birthday!

On October 11, 2015 Carol Cumes, owner and founder of Willka T’ika, celebrated a very special Quechua birthday with her extensive Quechua family spanning four generations. During this Willka T’ika holiday, Carol had treated her entire staff the day before to an exquisite birthday meal at the best restaurant in the Sacred Valley. Meanwhile, Antonia the Administrator secretly organized the entire staff for the grand fiesta! And, Carol prepared gifts and surprise activities for the children. Joy permeated Willka T’ika with Quechua family, friends, food, drinks, entertainment for all ages, and everyone’s heartfelt appreciation for Carol’s presence in their lives.


#10. Commencing the Quechua birthday with a surprise procession to the entrance of Carol’s house in the morning accompanied by all family members and friends to bring in a fantastic 70th year.



 #09.  A full menu of wholesome Quechua food: native chicken soup complete with dried moraya potatoes, Pumahuanca trout and potatoes accompanied with rice and salad, frutillada (strawberry chicha), and chicha morada from native purple corn.



#08. Traditional native music played by Mario, artist and chef at Willka T’ika, with his band. Pachamama celebrates with music and dance.



#07. A clown that made everyone feel like a kid—spreading laughter through Willka T’ika.



#06. Energetic Quechua children scurrying through the flowers of the Chakra Gardens during their scavenger hunt to complete their chakra diagram.



#05. An authentic traditional offering to Pachamama (Haywarikuy, ‘Let us play!’) prepared with the staff’s children by the Qero pakko, Andean ritual specialist accompanying his father at Willka T’ika for almost 2 decades.



#04. Requesting the blessings of the Apus (mountain Gods) that are in line with the ancient Lucuma Tree, and others protecting the Sacred Valley.



#03. Carol teaching the youngest generations about their Quechua heritage while participating in the offering and her famous Chakra Garden tour.



#02. A traditional Quechua birthday blessing for each child with the offering to Pachamama, under the 1,000-year-old Lucuma Tree.



#01.  Carol and the youngest generations offering k’intus (a set of 3 sacred coca leaves) to Pachamama, impregnating their ‘three wishes’ to be heard by Hanakpacha, the Andean upper world.