Adam Wegner
Musician, Returning guest

I came to Willka T’ika through an amazing series of synchronicities. I was at a crossroads in my life, and it was time to take a deep look at who I was and where I was going. I was hoping to make a greater peace with the past, unleash a greater creativity in the present, and proceed with a greater intention and discipline into the future. I needed the right time and the right space to let go, sort out, and reconfigure. At Willka T’ika I found what I was looking for. . . and then some! Amidst the glory of your visionary gardens I felt the unconditional love of the natural world wash me clean and was able to accept my place in the universe for maybe the first time ever. I got a chance to have all my family past and present come before me in vision and I had the opportunity to say “Thank you” and “ I love you” to each and every one of them… and then let them be free! I saw my life in such a penetratingly beneficent light that I knew for the first time in a long while that I was on the right path and could see a little farther up ahead than I could before. I could go on and on, but the words lose their meaning after a while. Suffice it to say that two years later I am still running on the juice I got at Willka T’ika and I’ve been manifesting like mad. Like I got new batteries at age 44… Willka T’ika demonstrates what can be created out of a spirit of love, diligence, humility, reciprocity and the power of intuition. To some degree we become what we behold, and like an alchemical mirror, this place is a model of harmony and grace that allows you to imagine a better version of yourself. You can grow a bit. Change a little. Move slightly closer towards wholeness. Take that first tentative step that will lead to true, foundational healing. We all know that new growth is a tender and delicate thing, requiring care and support to take root, and this beautiful retreat acts as a gentle scaffold, assisting the evolution of the self to a slightly higher vibration. Once again, language fails to do it justice but believe me when I tell you there is palpable magic going on in the gardens of Willka T’ika… The chakra gardens present a three dimensional model of the interior world, where spiraling strolls and peaceful meditations in secluded nooks and crannies give the visitor time and space in which to quietly explore and understand the subtle nuances and the awesome potential of the mind, body. And soul… The thousand year-old Lucuma tree stands strong, a wizened old witness to the last millennia, grounding the entire property and all visitors even when not in sight. You feel her/his presence all the time and it allows you to breathe a little easier, even in moments of anxiety and trepidation… The delicious (and gorgeous!) food nourishes the body and spirit and invites a return to simplicity and purity. I definitely re-aligned my diet on my return home based on how I felt after dining for a week at Willka T’ika… The amazing staff that cares for you like family. The artistic outpouring that informs every last detail of the buildings, rooms, and accommodations. The Mountains and the Valley. The people of Peru. The traditional belief systems and the spirit of Ayni that seems a part of the land itself. There is a lot of good going on here and it is impossible to leave Willka T’ika without taking a bit of it with you. Thanks for creating this place and letting wonderful things happen here Carol. Kisses.