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Peru: Sacred Valley Retreat with Savage Yoga Studios

August 16 - August 23

Join Retreat Leaders, Elizabeth Savage, Liz Guardia and Kim Coakley for a wonderful journey to the magical land of the Incas!

Peru is beyond words. Immediately upon stepping foot into the Andes you will feel the strong pull of the mountains and rivers. The Sacred Valley of the Incas stretches from Ayacucho (where Liz’s family is from) to Cusco, and is considered the spiritual heart of Peru.

Mountains hold profound wisdom that remains through changing seasons. There is something deeply reassuring when staying in the Andes. Our retreat center is situated deep in majestic mountains views and is surrounded by lush Chakra Gardens of flowers and native herbs.

Every morning we will practice yoga and meditation, followed by sacred Andean traditions and cultural experiences near our beautiful yoga home for the week. On evenings that we are at the healing center we will practice gentle yoga and yoga nidra to further integrate the experience.

For further detailed info about this retreat journey, and to register, please go to: https://savageyogastudios.com/retreat/peru-sacred-valley/


August 16
August 23