Willka T’ika is the best place we have ever stayed on any vacation we’ve been on. We are fortunate to be able to travel a lot, and of all the dozens of places we have stayed all over the world, Willka T’ika is the most magical. I am an architect and loved all thehistoric ruins and Inca sites of course. However, I believe thehighlight of my trip was to be in, and explore your amazingly wondrousgardens. The buzzing of the bees and the fluttering of the myriad ofhummingbirds the gardens attract is second to none. Livio and thestaff are all amazing and filled with warm positive energy. Theentire estate is alive with a mix of energy that likely make it thehealthiest place I have ever had the privilege to stay at. Thank youso very much. It was hard for us to leave. . . It has been amazing!
Eric Hanson, Dec 2015
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